
Importer or Buyer

United State

La Dulceria Inc
3795 10Th Ave New York Ny 10034-1852 Usa

Company Profile

La Dulceria Inc is a leading Importer of Bxs Cont. Guarina Crackers Bxs Cont. Cassava Garlic Taste Bxs Cont. Seasoning Powder Bxs Cont. Liquid Seasoning Baldom Ranchero Bxs Cont. Soy Suace Ranchero Bxs Cont. Mayonesa Baldom 16 Oz Bxs Cont. Casabe Don Juan Natural 12 Oz Bxs Cont. Garlic Paste Constanza Bxs Cont. Orange Candy Bxs Cont. Milk .

We are a total capability turnkey solution company with expertise and vast experience in the field of Import.
We are engaged in offering diverse range of products offered by us which includes Bxs Cont. Guarina Crackers Bxs Cont. Cassava Garlic Taste Bxs Cont. Seasoning Powder Bxs Cont. Liquid Seasoning Baldom Ranchero Bxs Cont. Soy Suace Ranchero Bxs Cont. Mayonesa Baldom 16 Oz Bxs Cont. Casabe Don Juan Natural 12 Oz Bxs Cont. Garlic Paste Constanza Bxs Cont. Orange Candy Bxs Cont. Milk .
Business Role : US Importer

Shipping Products

Bxs Cont. Guarina Crackers Bxs Cont. Cassava Garlic Taste Bxs Cont. Seasoning Powder Bxs Cont. Liquid Seasoning Baldom Ranchero Bxs Cont. Soy Suace Ranchero Bxs Cont. Mayonesa Baldom 16 Oz Bxs Cont. Casabe Don Juan Natural 12 Oz Bxs Cont. Garlic Paste Constanza Bxs Cont. Orange Candy Bxs Cont. Milk

Eporter's Details

Exportaciones Isabel S A
Prol Padre Las Casas #155B La Gallera Santiago Republica Dominicana Dom

Notify Party's Details

Dooly System Corp
18230 150Th Rd Ste 120 Springfield Gardens Ny 11413-4062 Usa

Shipping Details

B/L Number : SMLU4694134A Shipping Date : 12/13/2016
Weight in (L): 21230.75 Pieces :3235
Piece Unit : BOX Measure: L
Port of Arrival : 1001, NEW YORK, NY Port of Origin : 24741, RIO HAINA
Business Role : US Importer Destination Country : US
Countrty Origin : DO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Carrier : 2

Note:- The Company Profile Information above has been provided to us directly from US Custom shipment details. If you discrepancies with any information from this company please contact us immediately with url.